WW2 Modern War Tanks 1942 hinzugefügt am 29 Jul 2020 316 Mal gespielt Armee, Krieg, Mehrere Spieler, Blut, Ausrüstungs-Upgrade kaufen, Töten, Flugzeug, Panzer, Ego-Shooter, 3D, Waffen, WebGL

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WW2 Modern War Tanks 1942 features a game during war time era of 1940's where you will be able to play as soldier that can handle any weapon, a combat war tank or a fighter aircraft on your own. The game lets you play against other player and friends around the world. Choose your game mode, number of players, time and start the match. There are two options for the map, the Tank mode and the Airplane mode. Choose to be US Army or a German Army and purchase your tank or Aircraft. Enjoy the perfect view of a german town where the battle arena begins. Fly the aircraft overlooking the beautiful islands and conquer your opponents! A fun war game simulation that will keep you preoccupied with your own strategies to win the game. Enjoy this classic war game brought to you by Y8.com!


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