Wormb hinzugefügt am 30 Oct 2020 161 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Hindernis, Side Scrolling, Laufen, HTML5, Touchscreen, Adrenalin, Pixel

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Wormb an adrenaline booster survival game to play. Our little hero is hiding in a small cave with a lot of obstacles, and the cave is very dark too. We can see the cave is very congested and seems dangerous too. Now, this is the time where a giant worm has entered the cave and want to eat our little hero alive. The giant worm is very bloodthirsty and hungry too, so all you have to do is to help our little hero to escape from a giant worm and run and survive as long as you can achieve high scores. Once if you get hold of the giant worm, it will eat our little pixel hero and feels yummy too. So be quick with reflexes and there are lots of obstacles in the way. Play this fun game only on y8.com


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