Tap Tap Dunk hinzugefügt am 01 Dec 2022 37 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Ball, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Basketball, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen, Tippen

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Tap Tap Dunk is a fun ball hopping and dunking it into the hoop! Your goal is simply to tap your way through the playfield in Tap Tap Dunk! Make the ball hop as you tap to dunk as many times as possible and increase your combo by doing so. But try to avoid the backboard, since touching it will break your combo. Once you get an 8x Multiplier, your Ball starts burning and you get even more points! But keep in mind, that the more you dunk, the higher the difficulty gets. So beat the timer, and get as much Score as possible! Enjoy playing this game here at Y8.com!


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