Tank Off hinzugefügt am 04 Sep 2020 562 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Krieg, Mehrere Spieler, Ausrüstungs-Upgrade kaufen, Panzer, 3D, Y8 Konto, WebGL, Adrenalin

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Y8.com presents Tank Off game, an exciting multiplayer tank shooter game.
Fully 3D, you control a huge battle tank equipped with sturdy shield armor and a powerful, deadly cannon.
Move over a range of different maps and destroy opposing tanks. Use your cannon to detonate them into oblivion!
The main game mode is to capture the flag. Try to steal the enemy flag without being destroyed and bring it back safely to your base.
But be careful and defend your own base and prevent enemies from stealing it!
This title has nice graphics, and the tank controls are easy to learn. Will you master the battlefield as an elite tank commander or will you be the shame of your team?


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