Super Scary Stacker hinzugefügt am 29 Sep 2018 350 Mal gespielt Puzzle, 1 Spieler, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Monster, HTML5, Halloween, Blöcke, Handy, Touchscreen, Physik

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Super Scary Stacker is a fun puzzle stacking game with an amazing and spooky Halloween theme. The aim of the game is simple – you must stack various spooky objects on top of each other in succession and they must hold for a certain amount of time without falling over. Each level presents a different selection of Halloween shapes, from hexagonal monsters to triangular pumpkins and square zombies.

The blocks must be stacked perfectly and you must look at the next objects to decide the best way to stack them together to create a stable structure. With over 50 different levels to play this game is a huge amount of fun and will keep you entertained for hours. The theme is cool and the gameplay and sounds are brilliant. Can you stack the spooky objects in time?


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