Super Ellie Runway Model hinzugefügt am 29 Dec 2020 118 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Verkleiden, HTML5, Makeover / Make-up, Handy, Touchscreen, Bitent

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Super Ellie is a very brave girl who fights crime, but she is a runway model in her spare time! She loves walking down that catwalk and presenting the latest trends in fashion. But today, she had a particularly challenging villain to defeat, so she ran a bit late at her fashion show. Help her get ready very fast so she can appear on the stage prepared. You will have to get three looks for her. The first one is a gorgeous evening dress that you can accessorize with shoes and precious jewelry for an elegant look. The next one is the glam outfit, where you have to think in terms of glitter and sparkles. Finally, move on to an urban chic look where you have to dress her up very
modern and practical, but ladylike at the same time. For each look, pick the right make-up as well. Have a wonderful time playing this exciting game!


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