Stickman Run: Shadow Adventure hinzugefügt am 29 Jul 2020 186 Mal gespielt Kampf, 1 Spieler, Strichmännchen, Ausrüstungs-Upgrade kaufen, Side Scrolling, Schwert, Laufen, Monster, WebGL

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In another era, in a place where colors disappeared and light died. Stickmen are like shadows in dark villages. There is a strange girl who lives in a chalet, her name is Beauty. They said she was still breathing because the light is still on, but she is sick.
One day, Beauty was kidnapped by the leader of these mythical creatures of the dark woods. They called him "the Big." No one knows where Big's castle is, so these stickmen are gathering in a league. They follow the marks of the Big, using their special skills to fight decayed enemies. They want to save Beauty, save dying light and bring back colors.
You are one of the stickmen heroes who frees the runner. You found something terrifying, something special and you rush to follow it...

- An arcade game like a free racing game mixed with a hack n slash with tap action only and other fighting games.
- The skills of stickman are very numerous. You will fight with ninjas, zombies in this fighting game...
- Unique contract graphic style, just in black and white like a shadow fight.
- Travel through four lands, face scary creatures and hollow bosses.
- Easy to play, hard to master.


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