States of Austria hinzugefügt am 22 Nov 2020 122 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Lehrreich, Kinder, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Quiz, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen, Rätsel

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Departments of Austria is an educational game that teaches you where all states in Austria are located. Geography can be hard to memorize but with this map game, you will learn all of your countries in no time. There are 3 levels of this online game to help you study for the next big exam or if you want to just brush up on your geography skills. Each level contains 30 questions regarding each country you need to identify. You need to pass a certain amount of questions in order to advance to the next level. Don’t worry, though, this is an educational game so it teachers you when you get the answer wrong. Show off to your friends or study for your geography class using this fun and educational game! Playlot more educational games only on y8.com


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