Rapunzel Relaxing At The Spa hinzugefügt am 06 May 2020 128 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Verkleiden, HTML5, Makeover / Make-up, Handy, Touchscreen, Bitent

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It's finally spring and the temperatures are high! Rapunzel needs to put aside the warm clothes and take out the summer dresses, short skirts and tank tops. But the cold weather can be harsh with the skin, so first the princess wants to relax at the spa and get a full beauty treatment. You need to help her with this, and also to change her look. So lets start getting ready for the summer with Rapunzel. Start with a skin treatment and a back massage. Next, you will give the blonde princess a new makeup and hairstyle. Finally, you will help her find a pretty outfit to wear in town because she is going out with her friends. Have a really great time playing this game!


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