Race N Kill hinzugefügt am 14 Nov 2018 180 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Ausrüstungs-Upgrade kaufen, Zombies, Töten, Rennsport, 3D, WebGL, Survival Horror

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Are you a good driver? Do you have perfect reflexes to drive among hard roads? Maybe you are, maybe you play racing all the time and you are a professional. When you racing in car, you face with lots of difficulties, that is not easy thing to drive fast. So your driving skills are important. But that is not it, while you are driving fast on the roads, you also have another troubles that is waiting for you. These troubles are death zombies. No you didn’t hear wrong, actual 3d zombies. In this zombie world, you have to be extra careful, because this is also a zombie game. In this zombie arena type driving, all zombies want to overtake your vehicle and be zombie driver. Of course you have to do zombie defense with your powerful guns. Just get your gun and get rid of them. This kind of games are also driving test games while you are in the zombie survival. Develop your skill, carefully drive your car without hitting anywhere and try to get rid of the zombies which jump and climb on your vehicle. Try to go far as much as you can, because your reward will be waiting for you after drive. Arm yourself and get ready!


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