Princess Fashion Raincoat hinzugefügt am 19 Apr 2020 148 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Mädchen, Verkleiden, Prinzessin, Android, HTML5, Makeover / Make-up, Handy, Touchscreen, Bitent

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Help the Iceland princess and fashion blogger create a fashionable rainy day outfit. Ice Princess's fashion blog has reached one million followers and she now wants to prepare a new memorable post. The chosen theme is raincoat fashion because in Ice Princess's opinion, a true fashionista must look fabulous even on a rainy day and we all know how hard it is to look great on a dull day. So play this game to help Ice Princess choose 4 different outfits and take pictures of them. You must pick a dress or a top matched with a skirt, and then you have to pick a matching raincoat. Accessorize the look with jewelry and an umbrella, then choose a trendy hairstyle. Finally, take a picture and move on to create the next look. Once done, you must prepare the next set of pictures by choosing a raincoat and different water proof makeup products. Arrange them all and prepare the pics for the blog post. Have a wonderful playing time!


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