Presto Starto hinzugefügt am 07 Aug 2020 146 Mal gespielt Arkade, 1 Spieler, Reflexe, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Lustig, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen, Adrenalin

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Presto Starto is a weirdly satisfying game to test your reflexes by pushing buttons and triggering all sorts of other objects. In Preston Starto then, there will be a number of objects that appear on the screen, each requiring a certain action that you'll want to carry out as quickly as possible. For instance, if a fan appears, you'll want to tap the on button so the blade starts spinning whereas other objects might require you to swipe, such as closing a window. Reaction games have the potential to become incredibly addictive, providing they're responsive enough.


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