Pico Driller hinzugefügt am 19 Jul 2020 97 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Minen, HTML5, Blöcke, Physik, Pixel

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Welcome to Picotown, a city like any other until big blocks started to pop out of the earth right into the middle of the city! The picopeople need you: Pico Driller! Falling blocks that could squish you anytime? Small capsules of air underground? Ever-present danger? Prepare to drill your way and save the day! Pico Driller is a cool game where you must drill the ground on the highest depth possible. Yet, some things are working against you. Dig your way through as many layers of blocks as you can and be swift enough to avoid them falling on you.Time is running out and you have to collect tokens on your way, but the ground is shaking and you can die under it. Move the character in a way to dodge this!


Arrow keys to move and navigate menus.
X/Z to drill in current direction.

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