Ninja Vs Ninja hinzugefügt am 11 Apr 2020 132 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Ninja, Töten, Springen, HTML5, Blöcke, Handy, Touchscreen

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Ninja Versus Ninja is a non-violent simple yet fun battle arena fighting game. Proudly play as the Blue Ninja to fight your evil arch-nemesis Red Ninja. You’ll unlock 30 action-filled arenas to battle, Ninja to Ninja.

Fight for your glory. Become the fastest untouchable ninja in the universe. Your enemy is no newbie. Use your sword or throw deadly throwing stars. Who will win and who will become defeated? Have fun with the Ninja Versus Ninja game.

Fighting game without violence
Two fighting strategies, close combat vs throwing stars
30 levels, every arena looks different


Arrows to move, o is sword and p is throwing star

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