Morning Catch Fishing hinzugefügt am 09 Nov 2015 1,296 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Simulation, Ausrüstungs-Upgrade kaufen, Wasser, Fisch, 3D, Unity3D, WebGL

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Morning catch is a realistic fishing game. Fishing fans this is a game you definitely have to try, choose a place where you want to catch all kinds of fish. You can catch bluegill, flathead and much more. To catch fish, you first need to cast the bait on place you choose, then wait for the fish to bite when a fish bites then action begin, remove the fish from the water on dry and get a certain number of points. You catch more fish and get points. On these points you can buy new baits, rods, new places on the lake.


Use your mouse for control.

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