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Spielbeschreibung:Masked Forces is an action-packed game where your main purpose is to eliminate your enemies using any means necessary. You have a great singleplayer campaign and multiple online game modes that you can use to show your might. With Masked Forces you get to test your shooting mechanics and enjoy a unique, fun experience. Included in the game you can find an armor/weapon shop as well as plenty of upgrades that you can check out right away. If you are a fan of action games or you just want to enjoy an immersive, exciting gaming experience you are bound to be impressed by Masked Forces! |
Steuerung |
Masked Forces – leaderboard ( Y8 Account powered) – Siehe alle Y8 Spiele mit Highscores |
Masked Forces – achievements ( Y8 Account powered) – Alle Y8 Spiele mit Erfolgen |
Das Spiel ist Teil einer Spielreihe :Masked Forces
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