Kataguruma Clones hinzugefügt am 29 Sep 2020 138 Mal gespielt Puzzle, 1 Spieler, Plattformen, Unity3D, WebGL, Rätsel, Pixel

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Kataguruma Clones is a cute and inventive little puzzle platforming game made by the indie developper Yusuke Nakajima.
In this thinking game you can’t jump, but you can clone yourself and move all versions of yourself simultaneously.

In Kataguruma Clones you control a cute looking little pixel/blocky character which can create clones that stack upwards atop its head. When you move, all of the other clones move simultaneously and you can also press the spacebar to switch which one your main clone is.

The goal in each level is to reach and cover all of the flags with yourself and your clones.
This can require a little planning and problem solving as maneuvering all the clones to the places you want them to be can be tricky!

With 18 single-screen levels to play through, it’s a simple looking but excellent little game with some very inventive puzzle design. A cleverly crafted cloning puzzler well worth checking out!

Your goal in each level is to cover all of the flags with yourself and your clones. This can require a little planning and problem solving as maneuvering all the clones to the places you want them to be can be tricky!

With 18 single-screen levels to play through, it’s a simple looking but excellent little game with some very inventive puzzle design. A cleverly crafted cloning puzzler well worth checking out.


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