Jack O' Copter hinzugefügt am 31 Oct 2020 133 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Fallen, Fliegen, Ausrüstungs-Upgrade kaufen, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Zombies, Hindernis, Halloween, WebGL

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Jack O Copter is a free avoider game. Get up out of the graveyard and into the sky. This is an avoider game where you are a happy-go-lucky member of the undead who is using their head-mounted personal dron-o-copter to fly into the ether and beyond. You'll have to avoid swinging spiked hammers, swaying platforms, and all sorts of dangerous Halloween ghouls. You'll have to learn and master the physics of this game if you want to use a simple click in order to navigate your chosen undead monster. You can customize the type of monster you want to be and fly. As the levels progress and you get closer and closer to outer space, so to will the obstacles increase. They will move faster and be closer together. As the game goes on you'll have to think 2-3 moves ahead to make sure you don't box yourself in and wind up back in the graveyard. Play this fun game only on y8.com


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