Infinite Dirt Bike hinzugefügt am 19 Jun 2020 142 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Motorrad, Stunts, Side Scrolling, HTML5, Adrenalin, Offroad, Extremer Sport, Pixel

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Infinite Dirt Bike is a racing game where the goal is to make the greatest score by:going as far as possible, while doing loads of air tricks. The more checkpoints you reach, the shorter the time limit. Do not hesitate to make a maximum of aerial tricks to earn bonuses faster. They will greatly facilitate your task. But be careful not to fall on your head.


Press the up arrow key to accelerate and release it to slow down.
Use the left and rigth arrow keys while in the air to :
do 360° air tricksbalance your bike and avoid a painfull fall

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