Hexasweeper hinzugefügt am 03 Sep 2020 179 Mal gespielt Puzzle, Arkade, 1 Spieler, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Minen, Raten, WebGL, Rätsel

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Hexasweeper a interactive alteration with hexagon fields on the board. As we all know the game minesweeper with blocks, but how with hexagons, here we can find one. Enter into the mine fields and select the hexa block which includes a strategy to win on. Be-careful with the mines follow the numbers on the blocks and prepare your strategy. The rule of the game is simple, the number on a block shows the number of mines adjacent to it and you have to flag all the mines. Uncover all the tiles on a grid that do not contain mines which blows up, Clicking on the tile reveals the items below the tile, use a logic to win the game. Play this game on y8.com


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