Girls Watermelon Crush hinzugefügt am 29 Jun 2019 163 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Verkleiden, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen, Bitent

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Ice Princess, Diana, Ana and Merida are throwing a party only for girls! They have missed so much getting together and doing girly stuff, so it's time to start this summer with a special gathering. They are going to have fruity drinks, cakes, and fruit salad. The there of the party is going to be watermelon crush. This means that the girls have to decorate the room and create their outfits accordingly. Help them get everything ready and dress them up fabulously. First decorate the room and then open the wardrobe and choose cute outfits for each princess. Keep in mind the theme of the party and choose some cute watermelon print clothes. Have fun!


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