Christmas Sneks hinzugefügt am 31 Dec 2020 73 Mal gespielt Arkade, 1 Spieler, Snake, Weihnachten, HTML5, Touchscreen, Pixel

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It's the season to sing carols, drink nog, and decorate the night with Christmas sneks. Press an arrow key to change the direction of the snek and connect bulbs to the live wire at the front of the snek to light them up. Build a long snek or a short snek. Ride the high speed rail to get around faster. This is a mellow game with no set goals, but beware! If you touch the live wire to the snek you will create a short circuit! When you are happy with your snek and have positioned it just so, press X to go to the forest and plant a tree decorated with your snek. Then go build another snek so you can plant another tree. Merry Christmas and may 2021 bring you only good things! Enjoy playing Snek game here at Y8.com!


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