Cats Love Cake hinzugefügt am 27 Mar 2023 19 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Fallen, Hindernis, Tier, Side Scrolling, Katze, Springen, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen

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Unlock countless playable characters as you complete dozens of levels in the game Cat Love Cake! Are you ready for a really fun time? Observe your surroundings and get ready to jump and bounce endlessly as you dodge sharp obstacles or cliffs and do your best to get your character to the delicious cake waiting for him at the end of each level. Don't give up in the face of the dangers along the way and advance fearlessly to the other end of the screen in order to complete the game in record time. Show your great agility and relax while enjoying yourself after a long and hard day's work. Have fun playing this game here at Y8.com!


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