Carpet Rider (9.16 MB) hinzugefügt am 25 Nov 2014 196 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Flash, Fliegen

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It is the night before the decisive battle between Galia and Hurricana. However, due to a plot by Hurricana, all of the Galian Knights are poisoned and unable to participate in the battle. With no other choice, the King of Galia ordered you, the palace gardener, to fight, on behalf of the Galian army!

Since disobeying the King means certain death, you set out in the flying carpet to intercept the Hurricana army. Can you drive them back and save your homeland?


-W,A,S,D or directional keys to move

-Z or L to attack

-Space to activate the shield

-P to pause

-Menu navigation using mouse

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