Automatically Generated Maze hinzugefügt am 03 Jan 2021 91 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Fallen, Blöcke, WebGL

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Automatically Generated Maze is an automatically generated maze game with difficulty levels: easy, normal, and difficult, and the size of the maze generated differs. Normal play is a mode of how many times you can clear the maze so that your physical strength does not become zero. If you go through a place that is not the shortest route, or if you go through a trap (red floor) on the way, your physical strength will decrease. Also, if you pass through the recovery floor (green floor) that appears by chance, your physical strength will recover. (Difficulty is not easy.) Time Attack is a mode in which you play three mazes in order and compete for how quickly you can clear them. Enjoy playing Automatically Generated Maze game here at Y8.com!


All you have to do in the game is move the cube with the arrow keys.
Click the other screens and buttons with the mouse.

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