Against the Odds hinzugefügt am 22 Jan 2021 85 Mal gespielt Puzzle, Roboter, 1 Spieler, Lehrreich, Kinder, Mathematik, Shoot 'Em Up, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Quiz, Android, HTML5, Handy, iPhone, iPad, Touchscreen, Rätsel

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Against the Odds is a math game that incorporates an action game with math skills! This is the perfect online game that your parents and teachers will have no problem letting you play. If you need to study or do homework for math, you can play our fun action game to practice your skills. Select a math skill to practice and get 5 of them correct. Once you have done this, you will get to play an action-packed session of Against the Odds. This is an online game where you are fighting an invasion of robots of all kinds! There are tiny and slow robots and stronger and faster robots.


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