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Spielbeschreibung:4 Wheels Madness is originally a Monster Truck racing Flash Game released in 2006. You're driving on 4 wheels, and the game involves madness, how could you possibly go wrong? This game, 4 Wheels Madness, is a typical side scrolling racer of sorts, of the type that are very common with online racers. The controls are pretty much the same as any racer of this type, with your truck mainly being controlled by the arrow keys to either accelerate and decelerate, or to balance left and right. There aren't any special keys here like controlling nitrous or firing guns, it's purely manipulating the car. The gameplay is decent here. Sure, it's not quite high-speed, and the "madness" might be a tad misleading, but there's still solid gameplay underneath. All in all, 4 Wheels Madness is a decent, if uninspired, game. It can provide some fun, and it's not exactly bad, so it's up to the individual player to either play or pass on this. |
SteuerungUse Arrow keys to drive. |
Das Spiel ist Teil einer Spielreihe :4 Wheel Madness
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